Materials Science

FAU Uni Erlangen Werkstoffwissenschaften Studenten Seminar Atommodell Exponate Turbinenschaufel Metallschäume Laserprinting Hüftgelenk TEM TMF Diamantanlage Reinraum Flow Boxen ElektronenmikroskopThe Department of Materials Science at the Faculty of Engineering of Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) offers a state-of-the-art Materials Science programme. Students have the opportunity to earn a Bachelor of Science degree (B.Sc.) as well as the subsequent Master of Science (M.Sc.) and Doctor of Engineering (Dr.-Ing. / PhD) degrees.

Erlangen is home to a long tradition of materials science—in 1966, FAU established Germany’s first independent Materials Science study programme. Today, our department is the biggest academic institution of its kind with nine institutes and 18 chairs and has educated almost 2000 engineers since its establishment.

The department’s internationally renowned research is enhanced  by a large variety of research initiatives, special research fields, and excellence clusters found in Erlangen. On the whole, the department offers its students and scientists optimal study, research and working conditions.


For in-depth information, visit the programme website.


Examination regulations and study guide:

MS examination regulations (as amended July 29th 2013; German)

General Examination Regulations for the Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes at the Faculty of Engineering (as amended March 2021, German)

General Examination Regulations for the Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes at the Faculty of Engineering (as amended February 2019, English)

Study Guide (German)
